We're Doubling The Pot For Fan Duel Hockey

Week 2 – $4,000 pot, winner takes home $800. Click here to join 

So this is how I fared last week. Fucking single digits. Woof. 5 goose eggs and a fucking 0.8 from Logan Couture. Hey Couture, thanks a lot bro! I know you’re a millionaire and shit but some of us are relying on this Fan Duel shit to get through the month. Way to go.

But hey at least I’m not this dude:

A solid -0.10 for SMcGowen28. Keep your head up, brotha! This is your chance to get back in the game and at least try to register a positive point total.

So once again, for all you hockey hipsters out there, if idiots like me and SMcGowen28 are playing, winning this thing should be like shooting fish in a barrel for you.

This week is a $4,000 pool, up from $2,000 last week. Here’s all the details:

$4000 in prizes, $800 for first
178 spots, prizes down to 17th place
$25 to join, up to five entries allowed
Starts on Saturday at 1pm EST


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